In Ibiza there’s a house whose interior has all the shades of the sea: the floors, the stairs and the kitchen cabinet have all been covered with Ideal Work®’s Acid Stain, a great surface able to create the water’s typical chiaroscuro effect.

Who wouldn’t want a beach house? Maybe in a beloved place, that reminds you of beautiful memories. Today we’re traveling to Ibiza, a charming Balearic island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Here, the light blue waves of the sea are the dream of millions of tourists that every year decide to spend their holidays on this beautiful island. The interior of this lovely house has been designed in an attempt to reproduce the clear colour and the effect of the sea water illuminated by the sunshine. In the open space that connects the kitchen with the living room, a wise use of wood and natural materials stands out. The attention, though, is particularly drawn by the colour of the floor, the stairs and the kitchen cabinet.

This is the perfect colour for a beach house: the teal shade recalls the aquamarine gemstone, a lucky charm for sailors and travellers, and communicates a sense of calmness and Summer vibes. Ideal Work®’s Acid Stain in the Turquoise shade has been used here to create this particular effect, a unique solution for an original and custom-made floor. Ideal Work®’s authorized applicators let some particular acids from metallic salt compounds penetrate into the concrete and react with the free lime, chemically changing the colour to produce unique and permanent variegated effects. Here you get the impression of walking on the water in the sunshine.
Thanks to their seamlessness, Ideal Work®’s solutions make the interiors look larger, a truly valuable effect in case of small spaces. Moreover, Acid Stain surfaces are not subject to fading, indentation, peeling or scratching and they therefore maintain their beauty intact over time.
Date: 2018
Designer: Jordi Artigas
Artistic support: Xavi Puig Artmateria
Place: Ibiza